2023 Scripture Memorization Challenge
If you're reading this blog post, it's because you read about it in my email or social media pages. I'm so glad you followed up!
As kids, we learned scripture as part of Bible Drills. When my children were in grade school, they participated in AWANAs which focused on scripture memorization. But as adults, few people talk about memorizing scripture. I'm not a huge fan of it, to be honest.
I think my biggest hang up is that I'm a perfectionist. If I miss one "thou" or "and," I'm convinced I've messed the whole thing up. Satan used that thinking to trick me into not even trying. I'm convinced, God isn't worried about us getting every inflection right, but He wants us to bury His Word in our heart. He wants us to meditate on His Word. For His Word to come to mind when we need it most.
For that to happen, we must be in His Word.
Here's what I'm going to do.
Choose a verse each week.
Create a graphic to add as my phone's home screen. (I mean, where else do we look 10,000 times a day.)
Create a few activities to make learning the verse fun.
I'll share these through an email list set up specifically for this challenge, on this website, and through my social media pages.
You can follow along and watch me fail (it will happen, trust me). Or you can join me. If you miss a week or a month, nobody is keeping score. Every verse you study and commit to memory is a victory, whether it's 5 or 52.
If you have a verse you love, share it with me! If we're journeying together, you get a say in what we learn too.
Right click the images below to save them. The first one is sized for an iPhone screen. The second use on is for social media.