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Be Like Christ

Choosing one verse to memorize each week gets harder as the year goes along. Often, as is the case this week, one verse doesn't stand alone well. We need to read both verses and often the entire chapter or book for context.

As we move into another election cycle here in the United States, I'm reminded of a thought I had several years ago about how often politicians and the public are held captive by public opinion. The verses this week speak of the dangers that befall us when we aren't held steady in the truth of God's love.

Christ knew better than anyone the dangers of living and dying by public opinion.

One Sunday, the crowd cheered and welcomed Him to Jerusalem with palm branches, and five days later they chanted, "Crucify Him!"

When our desire for approval by the world outweighs our desire for God's truth and love, we'll find ourselves tossed about, dashed on the rocks of cancel culture, and blown from one side of a conversation to the other.

Paul teaches us that to be mature Christians means to stand on the truth of God that never changes.

When we speak that truth in love, others will find the same steady, quiet peace and latch onto it. Because that's what we're all seeking, a steady place to rest ourselves.

Our pastor often says that truth without love is hurtful and mean-spirited, but love without truth is permissive and harmful.

A co-worker once told me that telling the truth is kind.

If you want to become a mature Christian, look for the truth of Christ found in His Word. Not the world. Not politicians. Not celebrities. Not your parents. Not your co-workers. Christ and His Word. It's the steady truth that grounds us against the storms of an indecisive, sinful world.

I pray you find comfort in the steady rock of God's truth this week. Meditate on these verses, memorize them so that when the world's opinion fluctuates (again), you remember where you stand.

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