The Day God Gave Me Freedom From Fear and Worry
You know that moment when someone says, “don’t I know you?”, and you panic because you’ve forgotten someone you’re supposed to know?...
Teaching Our Children to Fail Well
Last year both of my children came home with test papers labeled with a 67 in bold red ink. The competitive perfectionist inside me...

Let Them Grow UP
Last night I lay in the bed staring through the darkness at the wall. The knot in my stomach turned and grew. I’d allowed my child to...

If Food Was a Love Language
When we moved into our new neighborhood a few months ago, we knew several people but none of our nearest neighbors. One night I cooked a...

Your Rescue Isn't For Your Benefit
The beginning of the year means everyone is making resolutions. It’s about quitting doing harmful things as much as it is about starting...
What Peter didn't pray (and what it teaches us)
I've been studying a little bit of Acts this week and last night read through the end of chapter four, where Peter and John return from...

The Day God Mailed Us a Check
We once received a check from God. More than once really, but the once stands out in my mind. In the early years of our marriage, we...

Drawing the Boundary Lines of Blessed Life
Psalm 16:5-6 5 Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. 6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant...

Christian's Shouldn't Enjoy Halloween
Yep. That’s what Christian media tells us. Maybe they are right. But I know two things: I am a live-your-faith-everyday-Christian and I...

It's not raining everywhere
Yesterday a big storm passed through our area. The local meteorologist has talked about the coming bad weather for days. Schools who were...