Book Review: Counting the Cost
I watched the Duggar Family off and on throughout the years. I’ve been fascinated by their story, although I have never harbored any...

Brittany Spears and Jill Duggar: The Same Story
Romance novelists often write using a trope. You know, enemies to lovers, May-December, secret baby or marriage of convenience. Every...

Book Review: Who I am with You by Robin Lee Hatcher
I drive an hour and a half or more round trip for work each day. I rotate between podcasts and audiobooks. This sweet romance was a nice...

Book Review: The Woman In Me by Britney Spears
I read a couple of biographies a year. I'm not a huge Britney fan, but her struggle against the guardianship that held her captive as an...

Waterproof: 2024 Word of the Year
“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. Matthew 14:29 This re-telling of Peter...

Maybe Everyone's Not Meant For Your Table: The Value of Deeper Friendships
Last month I spoke during our church’s annual Christmas Dinner and Lottie Moon Silent Auction. Many people asked for my notes on the...

Book Review: Woke Up Like This by Amy Lea
I'm a bit behind in posting my book reviews. We read this one for our November book club. My Review: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Pros: Mostly clean read....

Book Review: Holiday Swap
Confession time, I did not finish reading this book until after our book club meeting last week. I did, however, finish it before my...

Lessons in Friendship from Mary and Elizabeth
When we read through Luke 1, we’re usually focused on the miraculous births of John the Baptist and Jesus, but have you ever studied the...

Book Review: Apples Never fall
Have I mentioned that I have a 45-50-minute commute one way each day? That's a lot of time behind the wheel. I often listen to podcasts,...