Monday Confession of a Type A Personality
I saw this graphic on Pinterest one day:

This empowers and motivates me. I’m a “Type A” personality. I need to be busy. I started my own marketing agency at the age of 30 because I was bored. I wrote my first novel because during the early years of my marriage I was home alone on Saturdays. I plan activities for the weekends and even try to keep the weekday evenings filled. If I have an appointment at 10 that should take an hour I’ll plan lunch with a friend at 11:30 and another meeting at 1.
You get the gist, right?
Some of you, my sweet readers, are ready for a nap after reading that list. I envy you.
I also see this on Pinterest:

Now I’m really stressed. Am I supposed to climb all the mountains or just enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the leaves change colors? Does it have to be an all or nothing kind of ride?
In my writing career I’m like most every other writer, waiting for my J.K. Rowling-like fame. Because I’m sure it just landed in her lap one day (please read with sarcasm). I remind myself that following a dream isn’t just about accomplishing that dream, it’s about the journey.
The journey of an author is about every reader I meet, every story they tell me. I’ve visited with people I knew over 20 years ago. I’ve met people who have known my husband’s family for many years. I’ve met college professors, department heads, homeschool moms and book club readers. Every one of them have a story to tell, and I’ve enjoyed their visits over a cup of coffee or a cafe sandwich.
I’m excited about meeting many more of my readers. Send me an email, ask me a question about a character, invite me to speak at your church. I’m ready. I’m doing my best to keep a middle ground between pursuing my dreams and enjoying the journey--and trying not to let either one stress me out too much!